Expo 2025 Osaka: Become part of the Wa! Germany Team
Recruiting for the German Pavilion at Expo 2025 has kicked off
Job offerings for positions with the German Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka – taking place from 13 April to 13 October 2025 – have been officially announced. We are hiring pavilion guides to show international visitors around the German Pavilion and represent Germany at this mega event. Additionally, we are offering jobs for chief pavilion guides as well. Job vacancies are moreover available for assistants in management and communications as well as for protocol office assistants and deputy protocol officers. Have we sparked your interest? You will find all jobs posted here: www.expo2025germany.de. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2024.
“Designing Future Society for Our Lives“ is the motto that will bring together more than 150 nations at the Expo 2025 Osaka in Kansai, Japan where they will showcase their countries, cultures and innovations for a total of 184 days. Germany, represented by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), has named its pavilion „Wa! Germany“ to wow visitors on this global stage by highlighting topics around the theme of circular economy with its multifaceted and broad applications.
We are looking for motivated and passionate people to be the life and soul of the German Pavilion at Expo 2025. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity offers those interested candidates the chance to become part of the German Pavilion and experience unforgettable months in Japan. A basic prerequisite for your application is a good knowledge of German. An additional foreign language, particularly Japanese, is an advantage and may even be required for some job openings. Social competence und intercultural sensitivity are other very important qualities and decisive factors for your application to be successful. Go to the corresponding job announcements to find the exact job profiles for the various positions offered.
We anticipate onboarding of the Pavilion Team to take place in Osaka in March or April of 2025. Applicants will only be considered if they are contractually available for the entire duration of the Expo.
At the Expo 2025 in Osaka, “Wa! Germany” offers interested candidates a unique opportunity to represent Germany with all its cultural diversity whilst becoming part of the international expo community.
Background Information
The next World Expo will take place from 13 April to 13 October 2025 in Osaka, Japan. Themed “Designing Future Society for Our Lives“, 150 countries and regions as well as 25 international organisations are expected to participate.
Koelnmesse GmbH is organising and running the German Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The “German Pavilion Expo 2025 Osaka Consortium”, comprising the two companies facts and fiction (Cologne) and GL events (Lyon and Japan), is in charge of concept design, planning and realisation. facts and fiction is responsible for content, exhibition and media design; the pavilion is being built by GL events. The architecture and spatial design come from LAVA – Laboratory for Visionary Architecture (Berlin). The construction management company Laumann / Scheßl / Weismüller Architektur + Baumanagement GmbH is the project consultant for building-related aspects. 78degrees GmbH will be operating the restaurant and souvenir shop.
Deutschland reicht Bauantrag bei dem Expo-Veranstalter ein
Der Deutsche Pavillon startet offiziell den Baugenehmigungsprozess für einen Type A Pavillon
Mit der Einreichung des Bauantrags bei dem Expo-Veranstalter am 07. November 2023 hat der Deutsche Pavillon auf der Expo 2025 Osaka offiziell den Prozess zur Erlangung der Baugenehmigung in Gang gesetzt. Der Bauantrag wird zunächst vom Expo-Veranstalter geprüft und dann bei den Behörden der Stadt Osaka eingereicht. Dies markiert den Startschuss für die Verwirklichung eines einzigartigen selbstgebauten, sog. Typ A, Pavillons
Der umfangreiche Bauantrag beinhaltet die ganzheitliche Planung des Pavillons inklusive des schematischen Designs und wird nun vom Expo-Veranstalter geprüft und anschließend bei der Stadt Osaka eingereicht und ebenfalls geprüft. Nach aktuellem Planungsstand sollen Anfang des kommenden Jahres die Bauarbeiten des Deutschen Pavillons beginnen.
„Wir freuen uns außerordentlich, dass wir diesen Schritt jetzt gehen konnten. Dies bringt uns näher an unser Ziel, einen Ort zu schaffen, der das Thema Zirkularität in Ausstellung, Architektur und Bau vereint“ sagte Christopher Hecker, Direktor des Deutschen Pavillons.
Ein Typ A Pavillon ist ein von dem jeweiligen Land selbst gestalteter und gebauter Pavillon, welcher sich durch ein individuelles Design auszeichnet. Das Konzept des Deutschen Pavillons wurde im Jahr 2022 in einem EU-weiten Vergabeverfahren ausgewählt. Der umfangreiche Bauantrag wurde von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Pavillon Expo 2025 in Zusammenarbeit mit den baufachlichen Projektberatern von Laumann Scheßl / Weismüller / Architektur + Baumanagement GmbH im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz ausgearbeitet.
Vom 13. April bis 13. Oktober 2025 findet in Osaka die kommende Weltausstellung statt. Unter dem Motto „Designing Future Society for Our Lives“ wird erwartet, dass 150 Länder und Regionen sowie 25 internationale Organisationen daran teilnehmen werden.
Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz verantwortet die Koelnmesse GmbH Organisation und Betrieb des Deutschen Pavillons auf der Expo 2025 in Osaka. Konzept, Planung und Realisierung des Deutschen Pavillons liegen bei der „Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Pavillon Expo 2025 Osaka“ bestehend aus den zwei Unternehmen facts and fiction (Köln) und GL events (Lyon und Japan). Dabei zeichnet facts and fiction für das inhaltliche Konzept sowie die Ausstellungs- und Mediengestaltung verantwortlich, GL events für die bauliche Ausführung. Die Architektur und das räumliche Konzept stammen von LAVA – Laboratory for Visionary Architecture (Berlin). Das Projekt wird baufachlich betreut von Laumann / Scheßl / Weismüller Architektur + Baumanagement GmbH. 78degrees GmbH betreibt das Restaurant und den Souvenirshop.
Ihr Kontakt bei Fragen Jana Soll
Stellvertretende Leiterin der Kommunikation
Deutscher Pavillon Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1, 50679 Köln
+49 221 821 2251
Germany submits building application to Osaka City authorities
The German Pavilion officially kicks off building approval process for Type A pavilion
By submitting its building application on 7 November 2023, to the Expo Organiser, the German Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka officially kicked off the process of obtaining the building permit. The building application is first reviewed by the Expo Organiser and then submitted to the Osaka city authorities. This marks the starting point for realisation of a unique Type A (self-built) pavilion.
The comprehensive application for the building permit including the general design plan of the pavilion and its schematics is now under review by the Expo Organiser and will then be submitted to Osaka city authorities. According to the current planning status, construction work on the German pavilion should get under way by the beginning of next year.
“We are extremely delighted to be able to take the next step that brings us closer to our goal of creating a space where the concept of circularity in presentation, architecture and construction all come together,“ says Christopher Hecker, Director of the German Pavilion.
A Type A pavilion is defined as a characteristically unique pavilion that the respective nation designs and builds itself. The concept for the German Pavilion was selected as part of an EU-wide procurement procedure in 2022. The comprehensive application for a building permit was prepared by the German Pavilion Expo 2025 Osaka Consortium in cooperation with the construction consultants at Laumann / Scheßl / Weismüller Architektur + Baumanagement GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
Background information
The next World Expo will take place from 13 April to 13 October 2025 in Osaka, Japan. Themed “Designing Future Society for Our Lives“, 150 countries and regions as well as 25 international organisations are expected to participate.
Koelnmesse GmbH is organising and running the German Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The “German Pavilion Expo 2025 Osaka Consortium”, comprising the two companies facts and fiction (Cologne) and GL events (Lyon and Japan), is in charge of concept design, planning and realisation. facts and fiction is responsible for content, exhibition and media design; the pavilion is being built by GL events. The architecture and spatial design come from LAVA – Laboratory for Visionary Architecture (Berlin). The construction management company Laumann / Scheßl / Weismüller Architektur + Baumanagement GmbH is the project consultant for building-related aspects. 78degrees GmbH will be operating the restaurant and souvenir shop.
For enquiries, please contact Jana Soll
Deputy Head of Communications
German Pavilion Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1, 50679 Cologne
+49 221 821 2251
ケルンメッセはドイツ連邦経済・気候保護省の委託により、2025年大阪・関西万博ドイツパビリオンの組織運営を請け負っています。ドイツパビリオンの企画、設計、施工・制作は「2025年大阪・関西万博ドイツパビリオン推進委員会」が担っています。その構成委員はfacts and fiction (独ケルン)とGL events(仏リヨン、日本)で、前者がコンセプト、展示、メディアのデザインを担当し、後者が建築施工を担当しています。建築と空間コンセプトは、LAVA – Laboratory for Visionary Architecture(独ベルリン)が手がけました。
The German Pavilion – a place to experience the country’s special brand of hospitality.
78degrees GmbH will be operating the German Restaurant at Expo 2025 Osaka
Around the world in a single day – the Expo 2025 Osaka will take visitors on an extraordinary adventure. The opportunity to explore countries from around the globe, gain fascinating insights into innovations, themes and cultures and enjoy a broad variety of culinary delights, that is what the Expo pavilions will offer visitors. The most recent decision is that the “Oishii! Germany”, a restaurant operated by 78degrees GmbH, will be another highlight featured at the German Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka. 78degrees GmbH won the tender floated by the Koelnmesse on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Besides operating the “Oishii! Germany”, the restauranteur is commissioned with catering the VIP lounge and running the Pavilion’s souvenir shop as well.
The Japanese word “Oishii“ means „delicious“ or „tasty” and is used to describe the flavour of exceptional cuisine. “Oishii! Germany“ will blend traditional German hospitality with cosmopolitanism and the culinary diversity of the German states. Their focus will be on typical German specialties, classically prepared but reinterpreted to serve up a fare of creative fusions between German and Japanese cuisine as a reflection of how the two cultures can be connected in gastronomic terms as well. Special emphasis will be placed on seasonal products. During Federal State Weeks, the participating federal states will cooperate with the caterer to plan, organise and implement region-specific dishes, beverages and special event catering.
„Oishii! Germany” is ecological and environmentally conscious. The use of energy-saving, organically grown food from regional sources minimises waste and ensures sustainability. Each ensemble of dishes is meticulously selected and prepared in compliance with the highest quality standards.
The restaurant is managed by a team of experienced professionals. Thomas Gottschlich and Sebastian von Landsberg-Velen already demonstrated their expertise at the German Pavilion of Expo 2020 Dubai where many other members of the team also garnered experience, some having worked in German pavilions at various Expos for many years in the past.
Indeed, the German Pavilion’s restaurant will not only captivate visitors gastronomically. It will also stand out architecturally. “The restaurant marries the principles of circular building with a distinguishable construction that enables light to flood the room. Warm, natural materials and the generous use of glass for the exterior façade help create an impressive panoramic view onto the German Pavilion and the EXPO grounds,” explains Christian Tschersich, Lead Architect at LAVA.
“Oishii! Germany“ looks forward to welcoming visitors at Expo 2025 in Osaka and offering them an unforgettable culinary adventure. The restaurant will not only meet gastronomic expectations, but will also build a bridge between German and Japanese culture. It will be a place of hospitality and enjoyment where encounters are made and the diversity of German cuisine and the Expo’s unique character come together.
Background information
Koelnmesse GmbH will be organising and running the German Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The “German Pavilion Consortium Expo 2025 Osaka” comprising the two companies facts and fiction (Cologne) and GL events (Lyon and Japan) is in charge of concept design, planning and realisation. facts and fiction is responsible for content, exhibition and media design, and the pavilion is being built by GL events. The architecture and spatial design come from LAVA – Laboratory for Visionary Architecture (Berlin).
For enquiries, please contact Jana Soll
Deputy Head of Communications
German Pavilion Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1, 50679 Cologne
+49 221 821 2251
78degrees GmbH betreibt das deutsche Restaurant auf der Expo 2025 Osaka
Eine Reise um den Globus an einem einzigen Tag – diese außergewöhnliche Erfahrung wird auf der Weltausstellung möglich gemacht. Besucher können Länder aus aller Welt erkunden und in den Pavillons faszinierende Einblicke in Innovationen, Themen, Kulturen und verschiedene kulinarische Angebote genießen. Seit kurzem steht fest, dass 78degrees GmbH mit dem Restaurant „Oishii! Germany“ ein besonderes Highlight im Deutschen Pavillon auf der Expo 2025 in Osaka präsentieren wird. 78degrees GmbH gewann die Ausschreibung, die die Koelnmesse im Auftrag des Bundes-ministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz auslobte. Neben dem Restaurant umfasst der Auftrag auch das Catering in der VIP-Lounge und den Betrieb des Souvenirshops.
„Oishii“ ist ein japanisches Wort, das „lecker“ oder „schmackhaft“ bedeutet. Es wird oft verwendet, um den Geschmack von besonders köstlichem Essen zu beschreiben. Das Restaurant „Oishii! Germany“ präsentiert eine Kombination aus traditioneller deutscher Gastfreundschaft, Weltoffenheit und der kulinarischen Vielfalt der deutschen Bundesländer. Typisch deutsche Spezialitäten, klassisch aufgelegt und neu interpretiert, stehen dabei im Fokus, genauso wie kreative Fusionen zwischen der deutschen und der japanischen Küche, um die beiden Kulturen auch kulinarisch miteinander zu verbinden. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf saisonale Produkte gelegt. Während der Bundesländerwochen werden in Zusammenarbeit mit den teilnehmenden Bundesländern spezielle Gerichte, Getränke und Catering für Sonderveranstaltungen geplant, organisiert und umgesetzt.
Ökologisch und umweltbewusst präsentiert sich „Oishii! Germany“. Durch die Verwendung von energieschonenden Lebensmitteln aus ökologischem Anbau und regionalen Quellen wird Abfall vermieden und ein nachhaltiger Betrieb gewährleistet. Die Gerichte werden sorgfältig ausgewählt und unter Einhaltung höchster Qualitätsansprüche zubereitet.
Das Restaurant wird von einem hoch erfahrenen Team geleitet. Thomas Gottschlich und Sebastian von Landsberg-Velen waren bereits auf der Expo 2020 Dubai im Deutschen Pavillon vertreten. Darüber hinaus haben viele weitere Mitglieder des Teams ebenfalls Erfahrungen auf der Expo 2020 Dubai im Deutschen Pavillon gesammelt, während einige von ihnen schon seit vielen Jahren in deutschen Pavillons bei verschiedenen Expos mitgewirkt haben.
Aber nicht nur kulinarisch wird das Restaurant des Deutschen Pavillons die Besucher beeindrucken. Auch architektonisch wird es ein Highlight sein. „Im Restaurant verbindet sich die ablesbare Konstruktion mit den Prinzipien des zirkulären Bauens zu einem lichtdurchfluteten Raum. Dieser ist durch die Verwendung warmer, natürlicher Materialien und die großzügig verglaste Außenfassade geprägt, die eine beeindruckende Panorama-Perspektive auf den Deutschen Pavillon und das EXPO Gelände bietet.“ erläutert Christian Tschersich von LAVA Architekten.
„Oishii! Germany“ freut sich darauf, die Besucher der Expo 2025 in Osaka zu empfangen und ihnen ein unvergessliches kulinarisches Erlebnis zu bieten. Das Restaurant wird nicht nur die kulinarischen Erwartungen erfüllen, sondern auch eine Brücke zwischen der deutschen und japanischen Kultur schlagen. Es wird ein Ort der Gastfreundschaft, des Genusses und der Begegnung sein, der die Vielfalt der deutschen Küche und den Charakter der Expo vereint.
Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz verantwortet die Koelnmesse GmbH Organisation und Betrieb des Deutschen Pavillons auf der Expo 2025 in Osaka. Konzept, Planung und Realisierung des Deutschen Pavillons liegen bei der „Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Pavillon Expo 2025 Osaka“ aus den zwei Unternehmen facts and fiction (Köln) und GL events (Lyon und Japan). Dabei zeichnet facts and fiction für das inhaltliche Konzept sowie die Ausstellungs- und Mediengestaltung verantwortlich, GL events für die bauliche Ausführung. Die Architektur und das räumliche Konzept stammen von LAVA – Laboratory for Visionary Architecture (Berlin).
Ihr Kontakt bei Fragen Jana Soll
Stellvertretende Leiterin der Kommunikation
Deutscher Pavillon Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1, 50679 Köln
+49 221 821 2251
On Thursday, 13 April 2023 the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action in Berlin presented the concept for the German Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan. At the exhibition, the German contribution will draw both architecturally and thematically on the theme of the circular economy. Titled “Wa! Germany”, the Pavilion – with its circular buildings and exhibition designs – will make a lasting impression on visitors in the truest sense of the word, as, once again, Germany’s focus at the next World Expo will be on sustainability.
The German Pavilion, which is expected to attract millions of visitors in Osaka, Japan in 2025, will revolve thematically and architecturally around the circular economy. “It is self-evident, that this would be one of the central themes at such a global event where we are mutually seeking to find solutions for the future of our society. The commitment behind the German Pavilion is to convey to its visitors the concept of sustainability so important in Germany,” explains Patrick Specht, Commissioner General of the German Expo Pavilion from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
The circularity leitmotif is reflected in all aspects of Germany’s participation: in the Pavilion itself, the visitor experience, in the design and the technologies and future visions presented there. Translated into architectural terms, this corresponds to the shape of a circle. Instantly, this approach becomes immediately clear: seven circular structural elements made of wood invite visitors to share in a special experience. The Pavilion is a walkable exhibit space that gives an example of the impact architecture and urban development can have to promote more sustainability and circularity.
“Under the theme ‘Designing Future Societies for Our Lives’, the Expo 2025 Osaka also asks the question how to make sustainable buildings work in the future. That is the reason the German Pavilion aims to exemplify this concept on multiple levels: As a completely circular building, its distinguishing features include innovative, circular construction materials and minimization of use. This is topped off by an intelligent indoor climate design and a park as a functional, atmospherically tight landscape. The Pavilion merges architecture, landscape and exhibition into a unified whole, whilst pointing the way towards a circular future,” says Christian Tschersich, Partner at LAVA – Laboratory for Visionary Architecture.
As is conventional practice for German Expo Pavilions, the architectural concept derives from the exhibition’s idea: Visitors embark on an emotional and multisensory journey during which they learn about and grasp visions of what living in a circular society could be like. The exhibition experience targets the Japanese public. In fact, around 90% of the expected visitors will come from Japan itself. The exhibition is designed to be barrier-free and inclusive.
“In the German Pavilion, we want to showcase solutions for a circular world where we live and go about our business in harmony with nature. By experiencing the many inspiring examples, visitors will recognise that the time is ripe to mutually turn the ambitious visions of a circular world into reality,” says Dr Wiebke Hahn of facts and fiction, the company co-responsible for the concept behind the German Pavilion. “Visitors to the exhibition will become constantly immersed in new atmospheres, the contents of which are playfully conveyed. This is how complex themes can be made so emotionally tangible that they stick in the visitors’ memory and are emotionally addressed.”
The Pavilion’s title is equally “rounded off”: In Japanese, “Wa! Germany” has multiple positive connotations: one meaning of “Wa” is “circle” which fits perfectly with the leitmotif. Another meaning of the term can also refer to “harmony” and represents the unification of nature and technology, the objective of a circular economy. And finally, “Wa” is also an exclamation similar to “wow!”, thereby reflecting the enthusiasm that the Pavilion at the Expo is designed to inspire.
“When the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action was deciding on this exciting concept, it took into account the fact that the Expo theme “Designing Future Society for Our Lives” and the subtheme “Connecting Lives” Germany chose needed to be realised in both a succinct and appealing way, whilst also creating a seamless marriage between the pavilion’s architecture and its content. I believe, the Consortium has been managed to do so brilliantly. We are thrilled about the concept and eagerly looking forward to 2025,” says Gerald Böse, CEO of Koelnmesse GmbH. The Koelnmesse team will be organising and running the project on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The Laumann / Scheßl / Weismüller project management company is involved with the architectural supervision of the project.
Background information
Koelnmesse GmbH will be organising and running the German Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The “German Pavilion Consortium Expo 2025 Osaka” comprising the two companies facts and fiction (Cologne) and GL events (Lyon and Japan) is in charge of concept design, planning and realisation. facts and fiction is responsible for content, exhibition and media design, and the pavilion is being built by GL events. The architecture and spatial design come from LAVA – Laboratory for Visionary Architecture (Berlin).